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Web Site For English Speaking Tourists

Welcome to “La mia casa” in the Village of Secinaro

Secinaro, Abruzzo, Central Italy

Opening up the area of “Abruzzo” for you

Poppies come out in Spring

Primavera (Spring)

Estate (Summer)

Autunno (Autumn)

Inverno (Winter)

Organised Walk to top of the Sirente Mountain Chalet Sirento between Secinaro and Rocca Di Mezzo Beginners skiing at Campo Felice
Welcome to our Web Site, especially for English Speaking Tourists and Residents in the Abruzzo area of Central Italy <Click any photo for more detail>
The Unmissable Top10
Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins AIELLI (Near Celano)The most colourful village in Abruzzo
ALBA FUCENS Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins
Now with Kamikase Slide for older kids! CORFINIO - Outdoor Pool in July/August Go-Karting Track Near Alba Fucens Piazza and Roman Aqueduct SULMONAGo-Karting Track
SULMONA Piazza and Roman Aqueduct
Church of Santa Maria In Valle Porclaneta (Near Alba Fucens)
Ampitheatre and Nearby Roman Archeology Near Chieti - a great mix of Wine, Art & Sculpture L’AQUILAAmpitheatre and nearbye Roman Archeology GROTTE DI STIFFECaves and Underground Streams Zaccagnini Wine Cellars (Near Chieti) Private/Public Beaches
PESCARA Private/Public Beaches
© PC Senior All Rights reserved
Caves and Underground River
© PC Senior All Rights reserved
Web Site For English Speaking Tourists

Welcome to “La mia casa” in the Village of Secinaro

Secinaro, Abruzzo, Central Italy

Opening up the area of “Abruzzo” for you





Organised Walk to top of the Sirente Mountain Chalet Sirente between Secinaro and Rocca Di Mezzo Beginners Skiing at Campo Felice Poppies come out in Spring
Welcome to our Web Site, especially for English Speaking Tourists and Residents in the Abruzzo area of Central Italy <Click any photo for more detail>
The Unmissable Top10
AIELLI (near Celano)Most colourful village in Abruzzo
ALBA FUCENS Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins
Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins Now with Kamikase Slide for older kids! CORFINIO - Outdoor Pool in July/August Piazza and Roman Aqueduct
SULMONA Piazza and Roman Aqueduct
SULMONAGo-Karting Track Near Alba Fucens
Church of Santa Maria In Valle Porclaneta (Near Alba Fucens)
Ampitheatre and nearby Roman Archeology Near Chieti - a great mix of Wine, Art & Sculpture Caves and Underground Streams L’AQUILAAmpitheatre and nearbye Roman Archeology GROTTE DI STIFFECaves and Underground Streams Zaccagnini Wine Cellars (Near Chieti) Private/Public beaches
PESCARA Private/Public Beaches
Church of Santa Maria In Valle Porclaneta (Near Alba Fucens)
Go-Karting Track
© PC Senior All Rights reserved Another Web Site by YourLBwebs<Click for Details>

Welcome to “La mia casa” in the Village of Secinaro

Secinaro, Abruzzo, Central Italy

Welcome to our Web Site, especially for English Speaking Tourists and Residents in the Abruzzo area of Central Italy <Click any photo for more detail>
The Unmissable Top10
Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins
ALBA FUCENS Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins
AIELLI (Near Celano)Most colourful village in Abruzzo Ampitheatre/Roman Ruins Now with Kamikase Slide for older kids! CORFINIO - Outdoor Pool in July/August
SULMONA Piazza and Roman Aqueduct
Go-Karting Track Near Alba Fucens SULMONAGo-Karting Track
Church of Santa Maria In Valle Porclaneta (Near Alba Fucens)
Near Chieti - a great mix of Wine, Art & Sculpture Caves and Underground Rivers Zaccagnini Wine Cellars (Near Chieti) GROTTE DI STIFFECaves and Underground Streams Ampithetre and nearby Roman Archeology Private/Public Beaches L’AQUILAAmpitheatre and nearbye Roman Archeology
PESCARA Private/Public Beaches
Piazza and Roman Aquaduct
Web Site For English Speaking Tourists

Opening up the area of “Abruzzo” for you